Kofax Power PDF Advanced
The Leading PDF Software for Demanding Business Users
Gain Control of All Your PDF Conversion, Editing, Forms, and Collaboration Processes
Kofax Power PDF Advanced is the leading PDF solution that makes it easy to gain control over PDF workflows in every department and for every use. Kofax Power PDF Advanced is the only PDF solution that delivers ease of use and accuracy as never before, freeing you from the compromises of traditional PDF applications.
Power PDF Advanced Advantages
Maximize productivity and adoption with the best navigation experience.
Power PDF Advanced offers a modern, intuitive user interface that is modeled after the acclaimed Microsoft Office ribbon interface. The Quick Access Toolbar lets you create shortcuts to frequently used features and capabilities.
Support for the new industry-standard PDF 2.0 format
The new ISO PDF 2.0 standard focuses on the file format, assuring both compatibility and security with programs utilizing and manipulating the file. With Power PDF Advanced, you can rest assured that you are creating the most compatible and secure PDF documents possible.
Sign and send PDFs for signature with leading eSignature services
Whether you’re approving a purchase, closing a sale, or signing an agreement, it’s easy with Power PDF. You can now choose to sign a PDF or send it to another party for their signature using integrated e-signature actions.
Trust the most accurate document conversion solution
Power PDF Advanced precisely recognizes scanned text and faithfully reproduces complex layouts with columns, tables and graphics. It includes an OCR proofreader tool to help you see and correct text results, so the PDF documents are perfectly searchable.
Collaborate in real time—when it has to be done right the first time
Documents can be created and edited, together in Power PDF and in real time with users on the same LAN, without having to send them back-and-forth amongst various parties, leading to more efficient work.
Combine all open documents in just one click
Combine all open documents into a single PDF – perfect for saving work and streamlining tasks. Just click the “Combine All” option on the Home toolbar and bookmarks will be created from the file names of the original documents.
Support for Microsoft Windows 10 touch-enabled devices
Navigate, type or draw annotations using a tablet and pen or a finger. Power PDF Advanced supports Microsoft Surface and other touch- enabled devices and includes a “Touch mode” option that optimizes the size of toolbars and tool icons making it easier to navigate.
Work the way you want to
Power PDF now lets you change the interface to the color that suits you best. Choose from blue, light gray, dark gray or the familiar purple. Choose to view documents in separate tabs inside one Power PDF window, or to view each document in a separate Power PDF window.
Benefits of Power PDF Advanced
Create and assemble PDFs easily from any application
Instantly create 100% industry-standard PDF files with security options that are fully compliant and compatible with all PDF viewers. Combine files and remove or replace pages with drag- and-drop ease.
Archive important emails as PDFs
Save Microsoft Outlook emails as PDF files along with any attachments and links.
Don’t retype your documents
If you must work with PDF documents in other applications, don’t waste valuable time re-creating them – convert them. Complex layouts with columns, tables and graphics are faithful- ly reproduced in Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Corel WordPerfect documents.
Utilize enterprise-level PDF security and rights management
Protect PDF files with secure 128-bit or 256-bit AES encryption and permission controls. Apply customized protection to PDF documents using Microsoft Active Directory or Microsoft Azure Rights Management Services.
Redact sensitive information
Advanced redaction capabilities removes confidential data for safe, secure document sharing.
Boost productivity with automated workflows
Automate and simplify document scanning, capture, conver- sion and redaction workflows. Utilize Power PDF’s watched folder capability to convert several Microsoft Office documents into PDF files automatically.
Connect directly with document management system
Send or retrieve PDF files from NetDocuments, OpenText eDOCS, iManage Work, Livelink, OpenText Enterprise Connect, Worldox, EMC Documentum, Xerox DocuShare, Therefore, Office 365 and SharePoint Document Management Systems (DMS)